Friday, August 7, 2009

Pregnancy...a request

This caption is to fill a request made by Heather Rose a couple posts back. Good source images for the particular combination are hard to this is all I can come up with until I can find better images.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pink Slips?

Looking for suggestions

My tastes in TG captions vary quite a bit. My main criteria is starting with a quality photo. From there, it's all up to where my imagination takes me.

Since I'm sharing the captions I produce through this blog now, I figure I should see if there is anything that the readers may want to leave a comment to let me know what you like.

Source photos: Just nude women, lesbian, hardcore, something else?
Genre: chemical, magic, bodysuit, etc?
Comic style bubbles, inset narration, or keep the story off to the side?

Leave a comment, and there is a good chance that I can do a better job of giving you what you like.
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