Thursday, March 17, 2011

The TG Zone

I've always been a fan of 'The Twilight Zone'.  There's just something about the twists of fate in the series that I enjoy.  This little caption is the start of a new series of captions that I plan to do over time.  Each one will feature the story of one person's TG encounter.  The plan is to make the changes in these captions unwilling or at the very least unexpected.

P.S. Read the text as the voice and pacing of Rod Serling for best effect.


  1. Hey, I know this is kind of random but I love your caps. Any chance you could do a good old maid cap?

  2. I would consider it, but I don't think you really gave me enough information to really know what you are requesting. Are you requesting a 'good old' maid caption or a good 'old maid' caption?

  3. Sorry about that :P. Was just hoping for a cap involving a french maids outfit. The more elaborate the dress the better.

    Again, I really enjoy your caps! Keep up the good work!

  4. Oh and preferably magic based, with some mental change.


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